ZOYA TOP COAT : apolish.com.hk, Art of Polish


  • ZOYA MatteVelvet Top Coat 指甲油啞光面油
    ZOYA MatteVelvet Top Coat 指甲油啞光面油
    ZOYA MatteVelvet Top Coat 指甲油啞光面油 The MATTEVELVET Top Coat by Zoya is just what you've been waiting for. Introducing a flawless matte top coat in Zoya's award-winning BIG5FREE formula, available for a limited time only. Apply over any of your favorite Zoya shades for instant mattification! Say buh-bye to shine and hello to a gorgeous, velvety matte finish! A Polish ZOYA MatteVelvet Top Coat 指甲油啞光面油 The MATTEVELVET Top Coat by Zoy...
     $110.00$220.00 -50%

  • ZOYA Naked Manicure Ultra Glossy Seal Top Coat 面油
    ZOYA Naked Manicure Ultra Glossy Seal Top Coat 面油
    ZOYA Naked Manicure Ultra Glossy Seal Top Coat 面油 Introducing Naked Manicure Ultra Glossy Seal! A revolutionary twist on the classic top coat formula that delivers the highest shine, fastest dry time and longest wear never before possible from traditional top coats. This oxygen (Air) activated formula doesn't require LED lamps or UV rays to work and can be used in any setting! Ultra Glossy... ZOYA Naked Manicure Ultra Glossy Seal Top Coat 面油 Introducing Naked Manicur...
     $138.00$260.00 -47%

  • 美國 Zoya 快乾滴劑 Zoya Fast Drops 0.5oz
    美國 Zoya 快乾滴劑 Zoya Fast Drops 0.5oz
    Zoya Fast Drops 是一種神奇的液體,可以使從面漆到底漆的拋光劑完全乾燥。再也不會弄髒你的指甲了! Zoya Fast Drops Speed Drops。防泡滴劑可快速徹底乾燥您的面漆、拋光劑和底漆,並增強色彩活力。色彩可保持清新亮麗長達兩週。... Zoya Fast Drops 是一種神奇的液體,可以使從面漆到底漆的拋...
     $168.00$180.00 -7%

  • Zoya Armor Top Coat 0.5oz
    Zoya Armor Top Coat 0.5oz
    Nails are ready to take on the world with Zoya Armor Topcoat & UV Blocker. Add a protective, ultra-glossy, flexible shine to nail color and prevent exposure to yellowing UV rays. The super-brilliant, ultra-strong and flexible topcoat provides a chip-free coating to defend nail color against wear and tear. Nails are ready to take on the world with Zoya Armor Topcoat & UV Blocker. ...
     $110.00$280.00 -61%
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