美國 16oz 腳部護理 腳繭和粗糙硬皮死皮軟化 啫喱 Callus Remover 16oz 輕鬆去除老繭和粗糙斑塊 [16oz Blue Cross Callus Remover] - $198.00 : apolish.com.hk, Art of Polish
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現在,您可以使用 Blue Cross Callus Remover Extra Strength Gel 輕鬆去除老繭和粗糙斑塊。 這種額外強度的凝膠經過專門配製並受到專業美甲師的信賴,效果非常好,因此您不必這樣做。 它不僅可以快速去除難看的老繭,甚至優於銼刀、剃須刀、洗滌器和浮石。 只需 4 到 7 分鐘,您就會獲得顯著效果,雙腳如絲般柔滑。 包裝規格 16 oz.473mL

GO ON, KICK UP YOUR FEET Now you can buff away calluses and rough patches easily with Blue Cross Callus Remover Extra Strength Gel. Specially formulated and trusted by professional manicurists, this extra strength gel works extra hard so you won’t have to. Not only does it get rid of unsightly calluses quickly, it even outperforms files, shavers, scrubbers, and the pumice stone. You’ll get noticeable results in just 4 to 7 minutes for silky smooth feet you’ll go out of your way to show off.

美國 16oz 腳部護理 腳繭和粗糙硬皮死皮軟化 啫喱 Callus Remover 16oz 輕鬆去除老繭和粗糙斑塊

16oz Blue Cross Callus Remover

現在,您可以使用 Blue Cross Callus Remover Extra Strength Gel 輕鬆去除老繭和粗糙斑塊。 這種額外強度的凝膠經過專門配製並受到專業美甲師的信賴,效果非常好,因此您不必這樣做。 它不僅可以快速去除難看的老繭,甚至優於銼...
1 Units in Stock
 $198.00$299.00 -34%
