NEW 照燈GEL甲超級底膠 持久加固加硬 Super Base Base Coat 凝膠指甲油 OPI GEL 需要照燈 [OPI Super Base Base Coat] - $240.00 :, Art of Polish
  • NEW 照燈GEL甲超級底膠 持久加固加硬 Super Base Base Coat 凝膠指甲油 OPI GEL 需要照燈
  • NEW 照燈GEL甲超級底膠 持久加固加硬 Super Base Base Coat 凝膠指甲油 OPI GEL 需要照燈

NEW 照燈GEL甲超級底膠 持久加固加硬 Super Base Base Coat 凝膠指甲油 OPI GEL 需要照燈 LED/UV

Super Base 底漆為 OPI GelColor 抓握力堅實的基礎。 我們的 Super Base Coat 採用獨特的 OPI Intelli-Gel Technology™ 技術,可形成牢固的 GelColor 底色,保護指甲並確保持久耐磨 保護天然指甲並防止染色。 一層塗層可為指甲提供強大的色彩附著力。 輕鬆浸泡,不會損壞指甲。 純素,不含 HEMA。 美國製造 **不含動物性成分或副產品。 ***嚴格遵守使用說明。請注意,不含 HEMA 的產品不含 HEMA(甲基丙烯酸 2-羥乙酯),但可能會發生對其他丙烯酸酯的過敏反應。如果您/您的客戶發現正常皮膚外觀有任何變化,例如搔癢、發紅或腫脹,請停止使用並諮詢您的醫生。 1. 用力搖晃瓶子 1 分鐘,以充分混合。 2. 適當準備指甲和角質層,以獲得最佳附著力。 3. 先塗上 Super Base 底油,蓋住邊緣,然後在指甲表面塗上一層超薄的底油。在 LED Light 中固化 30 秒。 4. 塗兩層 GelColor。首先蓋住邊緣,然後在指甲表面塗上一層非常薄的 GelColor。固化 30 秒。重複。 5. 先蓋住邊緣,塗上超級光澤面漆,然後在指甲表面塗上一層薄薄的塗層。固化30秒。 注意: 圖片顏色只供參考,因應不同顯示屏和拍攝時燈光效果顏色會有差異.(塗上底油,面油達致最佳效果)謝謝

Super Base Base Coat creates a strong foundation for OPI GelColor polish to grip. We're all about that base. Our Super Base Base Coat with exclusive OPI Intelli-Gel Technology™ keeps nails protected and ensures long-lasting wear by creating a super strong foundation that grips onto GelColor Protects the natural nail and prevents staining. One coat provides strong adhesion for colour to grip nails. 3 weeks of professional wear. Easily soaks off without damaging nails.* Vegan** and HEMA-free.*** *When removed per instructions. **No animal-derived ingredients or by-products. ***Strictly follow use instructions. Please note that HEMA-free products do not contain HEMA (2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate), but allergic reactions to other acrylates may occur. If you/your client observe any changes to normal skin appearance such as itching, redness, or swelling, discontinue use and consult your doctor. 1. Shake all bottles vigorously for 1 minute to thoroughly mix ingredients. 2. Properly prep nails and cuticles for optimal adhesion. 3. Apply Super Base Base Coat by capping the free edge first, then apply an ultra thin coat to the nail surface. Cure 30 seconds in the Light. 4. Apply 2 coats of GelColor. Start by capping the free edge, then apply a very thin coat of GelColor to the nail surface. Cure for 30 seconds. Repeat. 5. Apply Super Gloss Top Coat by capping the free edge first, then apply a thin coat to the nail surface. Cure 30 seconds.

NEW 照燈GEL甲超級底膠 持久加固加硬 Super Base Base Coat 凝膠指甲油 OPI GEL 需要照燈

OPI Super Base Base Coat

NEW 照燈GEL甲超級底膠 持久加固加硬 Super Base Base Coat 凝膠指甲油 OPI GEL 需要照燈 LED/UV Super Base 底漆為 OPI GelColor 抓握力堅實的基礎。 我們的 Super Base Coat 採用獨特的 OPI Intelli-Gel Technology™ 技術,可形成牢固的 GelColor ...
1 Units in Stock
 $240.00$480.00 -50%
